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Invitation to come and join in

It seems the American Tea Party had larger turnouts than they thought they would.   
Yea for the American people!
I guess more are tired of the bull crap from Washington than most thought! 
Thanks to all that participated in it.  
Keep after your senate and congress to do what is right for the American people!
Remind them they work for us, NOT themselves or other countries!


Lloyd Marcus singing the "The American Tea Party Anthem"

If you are sick and tired of how our Government is treating the American people that pays their wages, let them know you do not like how they are THROWING away our tax dollars.  They spend it like there is no end to it.  They have put us trillions of dollars in debt, sold us out to foreign countries.  Put the working man/woman out of work. 
They give money to crooks that take their profits and overpay themselves and have fancy homes, airplanes, yachts and the works, while average American Joe hustles for a little home to call his own..
They want us to tighten out belts while million are out of work and loosing everything they have and they vote  themselves a hefty raise to boot.  It has been like this for years now.
They do not earn 1/8 th of what they pay themselves and certainly their retirement is GOLD compared to  the average working person's retirement.  They don't earn that either. Prod them to remember who they are working for and who pays their big wages for few sessions of arguing and screwing the "We, the people".  They are taking us down to the pithole of hell right along with themselves.


Please mail your tea picture to your president, congress and senate members  ON April 1st, 2009

Since the Government is so crooked they are afraid to accept tea bags in the mail here is apicture you can use.  Feel free to copy and paste to msword, print it off and write your own message, sign it and mail it on April the 1, 2009.
Here is a couple examples of somthing to write:


"I enclose this picture as a protest against the passage of any

further economic stimulus packages that provide money to

businesses without provisions for strict transparency and

accountability in how that money is to be spent"

"I enclose this tea pictures as a protest against the passage of any further economic stimulus packages that include earmarks."


