We must take America back!

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Steve Vaus sang it 17 yrs ago and it was boycotted!
The original version:   We must take America Back


He is singing it again updated for the "American Tea Party 2009"

2009 Version:

Visit Steve Vaus 
aka Buck Howdy

We are loosing our constitution and the things that has made America what it is! 
Are we gonna sit back and let that happen too?
Why are you just sitting there shaking your head and letting them destroy what our forefathers fought for?

Songs from others:

Don't you, the American people think it is time to set a limit to how long Congress and Senate can hold office?    2 TO 4 yrs is enough time and maybe they won't be bought out by the perks and the lobbyists.
Don't you think it is time they paid their fair share of taxes? 
Don't you think it is time their wages was put back into proportion with the rest of the world? 
Don't you think it is time to get the old timers out of office?   They may have done some good when they first went in, but have for sure been there much too long!    VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE!
Don't you think it is time they had the same HEALTH CARE  as all of us do?
WAKE UP AMERICANS' before it is too late!